e-Books » Cookie Rookie

E-Book Review

Cookie Rookie is a short eBook for kids. It is a story of a boy who was very kind and generous. How do you trouble your mother when you offer cookies for your pet dog? Of course, the boy himself discovered the mess he made with her mom’s plan.

The boy grew up and thought himself a big boy. In fact he was a kid, but he believed that he knew everything, what is right and what is wrong. However, this belief troubled him.

He fed the delicious cookies baked by his mother to his pet dog, Freckles. Is that wrong? What do you think? The boy loved chocolate chip cookies and even his pet loves chocolate chip cookies.

So, who doesn’t love a chocolate chip cookie? Just like your mom and everyone’s mom, the boy’s mom is a great cook and the chocolate cookies she baked were too delicious. However, the boy was wrong. The cookies were made for a charity sale to be held the next day. Unaware of this fact, he and his dog ate all cookies. What do you think? Is this right or is this wrong?

Okay, feeding the cookies to the dog is not a bad thing; rather it is a good thing that shows your love and affection to your pet. But is it good to eat the cookies that were cooked for a charity sale? So what went wrong?

Answer here or read the story.

The images are good and colorful. The moral, seek permission or ask elders before you do something until and unless you are sure about what you do. Cookie rookie is a simple eBook story for kids. There are no fictional characters, no fanciness, no monsters and aliens and angels. It is just about the boy’s act and his thinking! The boy himself found that he made a mistake. Are we kids, wise and matured enough to admit our mistakes?

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