e-Books » Fun Early Reader’s Collection

E-book Review

The eBook, ‘Fun Early Reader’s Collection’ has four differe nt eBooks combined together.

1) Gecko on the Wall
2) Bugs by Numbers
3) Writing on the Wall
4) The Adventures of Super Cow

Gecko on the wall: The boy sees different Geckos on different places. Among those Geckos, he mostly loved the Gecko he saw in his home on a wall! Have you see a gecko on the wall of your house?

Bugs by Numbers: Learning is fun! This is beautifully explained in this reader collection. There is a beautiful garden with bugs! Learn numbers with simple bug counting. The eBook is narrated simply to enable easy understanding of learning by preschoolers who are new to learning numbers and counting.

Writing on the Wall: This is about a girl’s love for writing on the wall! She wanted to write everywhere from wall to her toys, but she was restricted by her mom to write only on the paper. Children scribble everywhere from walls, utensils, doors and of course papers. Finally, the girl obeyed her mother’s word to write only on the paper.

The Adventures of Super Cow: Super cow has got super powers. How super cow will help people? Super cow has different versions and editions. If you learned how to draw a super cow, these will be easier. We have an eBook in our collection to learn how to draw a super cow, (check it if you have missed).

The collection of four eBooks in a single book is a colorful representation. All these books depict learning through fun. Especially, Bugs by numbers, learning has been made so easy! The eBook has common happenings and activities of a life narrated with attractive pictures.

This collection also makes a good read to learn new words. The book is narrated with rhythmic words, like nursery rhymes for kids. You can ask the child to read the eBook or read along with the kid to learn pronunciation, different spellings and meanings of the words.

You might have read these educational eBooks in separate books. Now, get all those eBooks in a single collection. While the book may look a bit lengthy, (it has 88 pages), it is composed of 4 parts, 4 different stories.

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