e-Books » Hazel’s Secret Life

Hazel’s Secret Life

Hazel’s secret life is the story of a fat dog and her master, Tina, the cute little girl. Hazel was very fat! Tina wants the answer why her dog is fat! She tried getting clarification from everyone in her family, but none could answer her.

Tina loved to spend her time with her dog, Hazel. Tina cuddled with her dog Hazel and she loved the biscuit breath from her dog. The only problem with her dog is she was fat. She wanted to know the reason for being overweight.

She went to her mum asking why Hazel was so fat! Her mom said, Hazel could be a half cow. But Tina was surprised that Hazel couldn’t moo and couldn’t make cheese! The confused mom directed Tina to ask her dad.

Tina asked her dad why Hazel was fat. He was watching television and was disturbed by Tina. He told Hazel could be eating the snacks with her dad.

She then went to her elder sister who was reading romantic books. When she asked her, her sister told Hazel could be queen eating a lot of cup cakes as Tina’s sister read a book where the queen was so fat and eating cup cakes.

Tina found everyone so strange and rushed to her elder brother. Living in his own world of fantasy, he told Tina that Hazel was a monster and he would turn wild at night. He then played with Tina and told her to ask the doubt to her cousin.

Her cousin told Tina the Hazel was a pirate and she robs the foods from everywhere.

Tina was confused. She was sure that her pet dog Hazel wasn’t a half cow, wasn’t a snack thief, wasn’t a monster, wasn’t a pirate and wasn’t a princess or queen! Then why Hazel was so fat? Tina found the answer by herself. Can you? Now read the story.

It is a funny story about a fat dog. The simple picture sketches blends with the story. The images are very simple and you can motivate the children to create similar images. Have a good laughing read with this eBook story.

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