e-Books » It’s Amma’s Birthday Tomorrow

It’s Amma’s Birthday Tomorrow

It’s Amma’s Birthday Tomorrow is a lovely story that narrates the journey of a sweet girl called Nikini. She came to know about her mother’s birthday coming in the very next day, she embarked a journey to find the best birthday gift for her mother to show her love. The story ends on a beautiful note that there is nothing precious to a mother than her child.

Nikini came to know from her father that he bought a gift for her mother. Nikini loved her mother so much and developed a desire to gift the best gift she received ever. They lived in a house near the woods.

After her father and mother slept, she was thinking and thinking and thinking about the gift she wanted to surprise her mother. She lost her sleep!

A firefly saw Nikini worried and asked why she looked so sad? She told the firefly about her desire to find the best gift for her mom. Nikini and firefly started hunting for the gift in the woods. Since Nikini felt that her mother’s love for her was bigger than an ocean and the sky, she wanted the biggest gift.

They met a blue bird in the midst of the woods and told why she was there. The blue bird told her she should gift her beautiful flowers! Nikini wasn’t satisfied.

Now, the mynah joined her and they met a rabbit. Rabbit told her to gift pearls and jewelry. Nikini wasn’t satisfied that even if she makes a necklace using the moon and crafts ear drops with stars, it won’t be anywhere near to the love her mother had shown to her.

They saw a cobweb and he gave an idea to weave the most beautiful saree in the world for her mother. Nikini was happy. All her friends helped the spider to weave the beautiful saree. They grabbed flowers to add more design, abstracted the colors from flowers to give different shades, and shed the drops of dews on the saree to add glitter! And the world’s beautiful sari was ready for Nikini! Unfortunately, the sari torn into pieces due to stormy wind!

Was Nikini able to gift her mother? What was her gift to her mother?

The unconditional love of a mother is amazingly expressed in this eBook! The love of a mother is much bigger than oceans and sky. What makes a best gift to your mother? Dresses? Flowers? Jewelry? Perfumes? Nothing! The pictures add emotions and liveliness to the eBook. Every one of us is Nikini and we do love our mother as Nikini does.

Now, tell me what would you gift to your mother?

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