e-Books » Johnny Jetpack

E-book Review

We all love to fly in the sky and have a secret desire to explore the space. Kids, becomes so surprised seeing the aero planes and jets flying high in the sky. You also love it right?

How do the other planets look like? What do they contain? What would be the life in the other planets? Is moon a cool place to live? We have so many questions about the solar system and the planets. The curiosity develops a desire to fly in the space and explore the world! Johnny is a boy just the same like you who always had a desire to fly in a jet back and visit the different planets in the space.

It was his birthday and his grandfather gifted him a box. He thanked his grandfather and rushed to his room upstairs after the birthday celebration.

Owing to his surprise, the box had the equipments to assemble a jet pack, Johnny ever dreamed! So he started assembling it and his grandfather came for his help.

Johnny was so happy to receive the best gift ever for his birthday. His grandpa helped him by operating the controls of the Jetpack. Johnny learned it so quickly. His grandfather left and wished Johnny good luck on his journey to space.

And the journey begins.

He heard a strange voice calling him but couldn’t find the direction from where the voice came. He headed to a direction as he felt the voice came from. He saw something very smoky on the space and a building was on fire. A girl was stuck in the building and Johnny helped the girl and saved her life. He continued his journey and helped people to lift the truck from falling from a bridge.

His journey was smooth so far, but he landed into trouble when his jet control failed to work properly! How was he saved and did he reach home on time before his mom knew that he went missing?

The story line is good and interesting. Kids who love to know the mysterious world of planets would surely love this story. It is a big lengthy story with good pictures. Not for young kids who don’t have an understanding about planets, galaxy, etc.

The story in this eBook is narrated with rhythmic word giving an interesting read to children. You can ask your child to read it and improve the vocabulary, followed by giving an explanation to them.

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