e-Books » Tyrone And The Swamp Gang

E-book Review

The irritating Tyrone reached the height of cheating and misbehaving with Boland. In the eBook, the rival between Tyrone and Boland reaches next level. For those, who are not aware about Tyrone and Boland, here is an introduction.

Boland is a tiny baby dinosaur with good habits, where Tyrone is opposite to Boland, who is large and bad. Tyrone love to trouble Boland and troubles him constantly at various instances. However, the bad Tyrone learns a lesson for every bad deed. This eBook feature the story of the Tyrone and his swamp gang, who tried to trouble their teacher.

Boland and his three friends were sad that all other dinosaurs in their region joined Tyrone’s swamp gang. They had no one to play soccer with them. The attractive feature of Tyrone and his swamp gang is the pink bandanna. Boland’s friend irritated him so much as they wanted to join Tyrone for their bandannas.

One night, the mischievous swamp gang and Tyrone secretly dissolved heaps of soap into a fountain to trouble people. All water turn into soapy bubbles. This bad activity put all the dinosaurs in the swamp gang into huge trouble. Read the story to know what happened and how Tyrone was backfired.

Later, they decided to harm their teacher by putting the fire balls before their teacher’s home. However, Boland noticed the harmful act and removed the harm from teacher’s home. It was noticed by Tyrone and he started bullying him.

The teacher heard some noise outside the home and opened the door. Tyrone, who was trapped, tried to jump and run. However, the fire balls backfired on him. Watch the pictures and read the story to know how Tyrone punished himself.

And finally, all the swamp gang dinosaurs joined hands with Boland, and they shed those pink bandannas! Boland was happy to have a huge team for playing soccer.

The eBook has some excellent pictures depicting the cute expressions of the dinosaurs. Ask your child to watch the picture and explain what’s happening. For instance, Boland’s angry face and Boland’s friend’s helpless face are crafted beautifully. Kids would certainly note it without fail. This increases the observation power. The moral of the story definitely inculcate good values in children.

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