e-Books » 12 Days of Christmas

E-book Review

‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ is an adorable children’s book that combines a familiar Christmas tradition with the learning of numbers 1-10. The book is presented as an ancient, worn text, that has stood the test of time. The presentation itself testifies to the authenticity of the content. The pictures are pretty and appealing to children.

This short e-Book teaches children counting from 1 to10, making use of a Christian tradition related to Christmas, known as the Twelve Days of Christmas’ or ‘Twelvetide’, a festive season to mark the birth of Jesus Christ. According many Western traditions, the Twelve Days are 25 December – 5 January. The books also evokes another tradition related to Christmas, which is presenting loved ones with gifts, which are usually hung on the Christmas tree or placed under the tree.


‘My true love’ has given a gift to me, on the first day of Christmas, and it is a partridge. On the second day also, I am given a gift, but it comes in twos, and are two turtle doves. On the third day, it is a threesome gift – three French Hens. On the fourth day, I get four calling birds, and on the fifth I get five golden rings. Six geese laying eggs and seven swans swimming, are the gifts for day six and seven respectively. On the eighth and ninth day, there are eight maids milking and nine ladies dancing. On the tenth day, there are ten Lords leaping, and on the eleventh day, eleven pipers piping. On the last, twelfth day, there are twelve drummers drumming.

All these gifts are on my Christmas tree! And they look fantastic and festive! The book ends with a little colouring page, and a hearty wish to everyone - ‘Have a merry little Christmas’.

‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ embodies the Christmas spirit of love and happiness, as well as the tradition of gift giving and merry making. In such beautiful ways, the book introduces the concept of counting and numbering to your littles ones. It is often said that learning happens best when it is done unconsciously. This book does just that, through pictures and words.

Highly recommended for young children of 1-6 years.

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