e-Books » Monkey Travels - Inspiring Young Minds

E-Book Review

‘Monkey Travels: inspiring young minds’ is a short eBook of 27 pages that expresses profound truths of life through seemingly innocuous happenings in the life of a monkey. What makes this eBook unique and a valuable addition to your reading repertoire is the fact that the book achieves the right balance between the sublime and the ordinary; the truth and reality; the ideal and real life. Since the main character in the story is a monkey, the book appeals to very young readers too.


The philosophy of the book is stated as the preface itself. ‘Good children grow to good adults doing good.’ It is very clear that the books mission is to mold good children, so that there are good adults inhabiting the world.

The first lesson in the book is ‘always be the best person you can.’ In the monkey’s life, this is illustrated by the monkey resolving to find out his life’s mission, and resolutely trying to be the best he can in everything he does.

The second lesson is ‘to be positive in all you do.’ The monkey is positive in the way he is, showing his kindness and smiling all the way, whatever be the situation. The fourth lesson is about enjoying the sound of nice music. The monkey loves to sing and dance with friends, and to love all creatures around, even the sun.

The fifth lesson is ‘love yourself and everyone at all times.’ The monkey is in a flower garden, along with strange flowers. Still he is able to love them and be comfortable with them. ‘Your life is happening now, so have fun’ is the sixth message. The monkey observes a butterfly, and it dawns on him that this moment of watching the butterfly is a gift to him, and he should be enjoying it at this moment.

The seventh lesson is ‘giving is great’. The monkey shares not only food, but his happiness also, through his smile. The eighth message is ‘who you are is always ok.’ There is no need to pretend to be someone else. ‘Things always change so keep being happy’ is the next message. Even as the seasons change, everything changes, but what you and I can do is to keep being happy through these changes.

‘Share your love, joy and kindness’ is the next message. The monkey thinks of how much love he has for his family, and he expresses it in his own way. ‘Smile for a smile and dance a lot’ is the next message. The monkey and his friends enjoy themselves to the fullest. This particular passage is written in a rhyme form, and it lends itself very well to singing.

The twelfth lesson is ‘Don’t give up.’ When the monkey is given a puzzle, he perseveres and accomplishes the task. The result was a beautiful, smiling angel. The thirteenth and the final lesson in the book is ‘Everyday with everything be better.’ The monkey is finally back home, and is basking in the love that his family is showering upon him. As he drifts off to sleep, he is dreaming of his next adventure journey.

This book is highly recommended for all youngsters, as it combines wisdom and stories.

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