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Conjunctions Exercises

Conjunctions Exercise 1

  • An avalanche hit Mount Everest. Over three thousand people died.
  • I could not sleep well last night. I am feeling drowsy.
  • We shall not eat in that restaurant. The food must improve.
  • Anabelle has many pets. She still wants to bring in more.
  • We can do the project at my home. We can do it in school.
  • Everyone is looking forward to the dance programme. It will start in an hour.
  • The prisoner knocked down the guard with a weapon. He escaped.
  • We did well. The examination was very difficult.
  • The baby is crying. The babyโ€™s pants are wet.
  • The mudslide happened down the hill. The houses collapsed.
  • Tom wants to take part in the long jump competition. He has a leg injury.
  • The storm is raging. The family is staying in the basement.
  • Eileen is angry with her brother. She is angry with her sister.
  • The old woman had no seat on the bus. I gave her my seat.
  • The village often floods badly. The residents are evacuating.
  • That is a long list of addresses. It is difficult to remember all the addresses.
  • David is very smart. David is very hardworking.
  • They spoke to each other very softly. Nobody could hear them.
  • He does not watch television in the morning. He does not read newspapers in the morning.
  • It was raining. The rescue party continued the search for the missing hiker.
  • The weather was bad. Several farmers lost their crops.
  • I pressed the button. The machine stopped.
  • The toys are very expensive. The books are cheap.
  • My father went fishing. He caught two fish.
  • Mary brushed her teeth. She ate her dinner.
  • My aunt is still sick. She has seen two doctors.
  • Mr. Smith wants to sell the house. It is twenty years old.
  • The old lady is baking a lot of pastries. Her grandchildren can eat when they visit her.
  • The car was going round a bend. It hit the divider.
  • The weather is bad. Let us cook at home instead of going out to eat.

Answer Scheme

  • Over three thousand people died when an avalanche hit Mount Everest.
  • I am feeling drowsy because I could not sleep well last night.
  • We shall not eat in that restaurant unless the food improves.
  • Annabelle still wants to bring in more pets although she has many.
  • We can do the project at my home or in school.
  • Everyone is looking forward to the dance programme which will start in an hour.
  • The prisoner knocked down the guard with a weapon and escaped.
  • We did well although the examination was very difficult.
  • The baby is crying because his pants are wet.
  • The houses collapsed because the mudslide happened down the hill.
  • Tom wants to take part in the long jump competition even though he has a leg injury.
  • The family is staying in the basement while the storm is raging.
  • Eileen is angry with either her brother or sister.
  • The old woman had no seat on the bus, so I gave her my seat.
  • The residents are evacuating because the village often floods badly.
  • That list of addresses is so long that it is difficult to remember all of it.
  • David is very smart and hardworking.
  • They talked to each other so softly that nobody could hear them.
  • He neither watches television nor reads the newspapers in the morning.
  • Although it was raining, the rescue party continued the search for the missing hiker.
  • The weather was so bad that several farmers lost their crops.
  • The machine stopped when I pressed the button.
  • The toys are very expensive, but the books are cheap.
  • My father went fishing and caught two fish.
  • Mary brushed her teeth after she ate her dinner.
  • My aunt is still sick although she has seen two doctors.
  • Mr. Smith wants to sell his house which is twenty years old.
  • The old lady is baking a lot of pastries so that her grandchildren can eat when they visit her.
  • The car hit the divider while it was going round the bend.
  • Let us cook at home instead of going out to eat since the weather is bad.

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