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GCE O Level English Paper 1 Reading – Summary Writing 1

In the "GCE O Level English Paper 1 Reading – Summary Writing 1," students are required to read a passage and tackle the questions that follow. This section is designed to evaluate their comprehension and summarization skills. So, grab your pen, get comfortable, and let's dive into the world of reading and analyzing texts. Remember, take your time, understand the passage thoroughly, and answer the questions thoughtfully.

Computer Games

Maelsten was just signing off from a computer game he had designed himself when I met him. He was in the garage of his house which he had repurposed to function as a computer laboratory. It was a state-of-the-art laboratory and he had been spending a lot of time there. He said that he was in the process of marketing his game. He called the game ‘a gamer’s dream’. He said that this game would lead people to reimagine what it meant to play computer games.

I was skeptical. I knew that computer games had taken over many young minds by storm. It mainly fascinated male youngsters and much money was being spent on this hobby. Parents everywhere were complaining that computer games were stealing valuable time from activities such as studying and exercising. Then there was the issue of violence.

I told Maelsten that excessive violence in these games can influence impressionable teenage minds. Some violent crimes by teenagers in the west had been attributed partly to the computer games they played excessively. These youngsters would think that it was ok to be violent and they would not realize that there would be unpleasant consequences. In fact, there were reports in the newspapers about such incidents.

“It is unfair to put the blame totally on computer games,” Maesten said, “Perhaps these teenagers had unstable personalities to start with in the first place. My computer game, which I have named Paradise Gained, has no violence in it. It is a clean game, but it has the right elements in it to sustain interest and suspense. Even though it is only a computer game it promotes cooperation among players and sportsman spirit.”

“Even if there is no violence, playing computer games can lead to youngsters being distracted and neglecting studies. Their grades will definitely suffer,” I said.

“If not computer games, they will find something else to distract them,” Maelsten said, “and sometimes that something could be something as harmful as drugs. In Paradise Gained, there is actually educational content.”

I was still not convinced. I knew that some youngsters who were addicted to computer games did not want to spend time with family, and turned antisocial even. Some of these teenagers shut themselves up in their rooms for hours together, coming out only to eat. Sometimes, they did not want to come out at all, preferring to eat junk food in their rooms. They seem to be friends with not actual people, but virtual people. And it is unsettling to think that some of these virtual people were not real people with a real identity. They could be posing as another person with a false identity. Sometimes it could be an AI. Who knows! All these possibilities make such games extremely dangerous.

“Just because there are some cases like that, to blame the whole industry of computer games is unwarranted,” Maelsten said, “Furthermore, there are games that increase the speed of one’s reflexes. These games require players to be very quick with their decisions and hand movements. Of course, outdoor play also improves such skills, but in these times when people are living in concrete jungles, not everyone has access to wide, open spaces where they can play. Games like Paradise Gained are usually played by youngsters in an urban setting. That is the demographic that it targets. However, even the countryside is getting urbanized now. I do agree that between playing outside with friends, and playing indoors with virtual friends, many teenagers now choose the latter. However, that is something for parents and school authorities to take into consideration.”

Physical exercise leads to a healthy body. And a healthy mind can inhabit only a healthy body. ln fact, these outdoor games do even more than just physical exercise: they also encourage teamwork and sociability. The player learns tolerance and healthy human relations as well, which he would not learn from playing on a machine. Real life relations with other people are very valuable. Simulated war games like 'Red Alert' may teach the player to foster logical thinking but computer games can only physically exercise the fingers, rendering the rest of the body inactive. It is unlike a physical game such as tennis, where you exercise your whole body.

The players may spend hours sitting in front of the computer because of the interest and the excitement generated by these games which keeps them glued to their seats. It is true that computer games are fascinating, but they are addictive too. Once you start spending time gaming, it is very difficult to stop it. Players claim that they relax by playing these games. In fact, in trying to outwit the enemy or achieve better scores, they forget about the worries of their daily lives.

I have no comment about how relaxing computer games can be because I am not a computer games addict myself. However, there is no denying that many students find them interesting and for some, even relaxing. Many find the games interesting because of the sheer variety of games, characters and skills in this kind of activity. There are also computer games magazines of all kinds to cater to computer game enthusiasts. Maelsten mentioned all this to me, but my doubt lingered. The problem arises when a harmless pastime or hobby becomes an all-consuming addiction. And like all addiction, it is unhealthy.

Regarding computer games, I am of the opinion that they are just a pastime; in other words, a hobby. Like all hobbies, it is harmless unless it interferes with daily living and family relationships. Parents should thus monitor their children's games for content and ensure that the amount of time and money spent on this pastime is reasonable. Schools also have a role in this. Students should be taught from early childhood how to regulate their time on computer games. Also, students should be given enough opportunities for physical play at school so that they know how energizing and healthy it is to play outside. Play time at school can also compensate for the time spent indoors at home. Anyway, in the modern world, school may be the only place youngsters interact with their peers, unless of course they have after-school activities such as martial arts or dance classes. Schools should also educate young people on the traps hidden in online games such as adults posing as young people and luring the latter into unhealthy relationships. The role of parents and schools in regulating the time and effort that youngsters spend on computer games is of paramount importance. It is only this way that addiction to computer games can be tackled effectively and a healthy future generation can be ensured.

  • What are the disadvantages of computer games according to this passage? Write in no more than 150 words. Avoid copying long sections of the passage and use your own words where appropriate.
  • Imagine that you are Maelsten. You are interviewed by a local news programme about the game ‘Paradise Gained.’ Interviewer’s question: Some people think that ‘Paradise Gained’ might have a negative effect on youngsters. What is your opinion and why?

Answer Scheme

  • The disadvantages of computer games are many. First of all, they are costly. Also, youngsters spend too much time on them. Some of these games have violence in them and youngsters tend to imitate what they see in real life, leading to some of them committing violent crimes without realizing the consequences. Playing computer games excessively can lead youngsters neglecting their studies. They also spend less time with family members. Some of them even turn antisocial. Also, there is no guarantee that they are playing with real people in these games. It could well be predators posing as young people. Computer games are indoor, sedentary games. Youngsters playing computer games are not exercising, and thus their physical health suffer. As physical healthy deteriorates, mental health problems arise. Besides, outdoor play promotes team work, sociability, tolerance and better human relations, which computer games can hardly offer. Finally, computer games are very addictive.
  • ‘Paradise Gained’ does not have a negative effects on youngsters. First of all, there is no violence in it. At the same time, there are aspects of it that would create suspense and stimulate interest in young people. Also, it promotes sportsmanship and cooperation between players. Of course, there is always the problem that computer games do not give the physical exercise opportunity that outdoor games do. However, in urban situations where there is no space to play outside, the next best thing to an outdoor game is computer game. What is more, Paradise Gained has even educational content. Besides, like any good computer game, Paradise Gained increases increase the speed of the players’ reflexes as it requires players to be very quick with their decisions and hand movements.

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