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GCE O Level English Paper 1 - Summary Writing Exercise 2

In the GCE O Level English Paper 1 Summary Writing Exercise 2, you'll encounter a passage that calls for your keen attention to detail and concise summarizing skills. This exercise is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your ability to pick out key points and present them in a clear and organized manner. Remember to stay calm and focus on the main ideas while summarizing the passage effectively. Approach this task with confidence and a positive attitude, and you'll surely ace this challenge! Good luck!

Toyota: Let’s Go Places

The writer is sharing her personal preference for Toyota as her choice of car brand.

People often say that the function of a car is transport. In other words, a car exists to transport us from one place to another. However, is that the sole function of a car? A car is definitely more than a means of transport. The choice of a car speaks volumes about the aesthetic sense of the owner. All of us agree that the choice of a car definitely signals what the financial status of the owner is, of course. Some people prefer big, sturdy cars that look powerful. Some others prefer small and handy cars. There are also people who love vehicles that can travel on any type of surface. There are some who own more than one car. Such people use an ordinary car for getting around town and running errands, and a luxury car for going to dinner or such occasions. Some billionaires and millionaires collect cars as a hobby. The great majority of people just own one car that is usually family-friendly, which means it can accommodate a family of four, and is not too expensive. Some, of course, are drawn to certain brands. These are all individual preferences.

I have been driving Toyota vehicles for many years. I have found myself naturally drawn to the brand for a variety of reasons. I feel reassured of the reliability of the car every time I slide behind the wheel. It is not just about transportation. It is about feeling confident that my vehicle will get me there safely and efficiently, every time. The sleek aesthetics of every aspect of a Toyota’s design is absolutely remarkable. This is one vehicle that is carefully considered and thoughtfully executed. It is the little touches that matter. Such as the smooth operation of the controls. Or the solid feel of the door handles. These create a sense of luxury and refinement.

I have a special respect for companies that think of the environment and the future generations. Toyota has a reputation for innovation for sustainability and the use of alternate sources of energy. It is a pioneer in hybrid technology. I appreciate knowing that I am driving a vehicle that not only meets my needs today but also anticipates the needs of tomorrow. It is evident that Toyota will manufacture vehicles in the future that will not pollute the earth and will be energy efficient. It will produce vehicles that make use of alternate sources of energy.

I have received exceptional customer service from Toyota. From the moment I walk into a Toyota dealership, I am greeted with a warm smile and a genuine desire to help. I am always satisfied whenever I send my car for its due maintenance. And of course, one of the things that initially drew me to Toyota was its diverse line-up of vehicles, which offers something for everyone. From huge pick-up trucks to cute hatchback cars, Toyota has all the options. I could also customize and personalize my vehicle to my exact specifications.

My preference for Toyota is not just about the cars themselves, but about the entire ownership experience. It is about feeling confident in my vehicle’s reliability and performance, knowing that I am driving a product of exceptional quality and craftsmanship. It is about appreciating the brand’s commitment to innovation and feeling reassured that I am driving a vehicle that is always one step ahead.

Summarize what would appeal most to customers about Toyota, according to the text.

Sample answer:

The car brand Toyota has been dominating the vehicle market for ages. Today we will be diving deep into the reasons why Toyota vehicles are so appealing to customers. First and foremost, one feels assured of the reliability and safety of the vehicle. Also, Toyota’s aesthetics and build are incredible. Besides, Toyota’s hybrid technology is proof that they care about long term sustainability. Furthermore, Toyota offers a wide variety of automobiles and they allow superb customization and personalization to cater to their customers’ needs. Moreover, Toyota has a well-developed reputation. Last but not least, it offers great customer service. In short, there is no doubt that Toyota deserves all the recognition and fame that it gets.

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