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Listening Comprehension Activities

English Listening Comprehension Activities

Listening is an important skill that needs to be developed from a young age. Here are some activities that will develop English listening comprehension skills among small children, based on the story The Gingerbread Man. Please read the instructions below and click on the worksheets that are appropriate to your children, by age.

  • The teacher may read the story with appropriate actions and gestures, once.
  • For the second reading, the teacher should let the children also participate in the reading, by giving the dialogues to the children. One can be the Gingerbread Man, another can be the little boy, and so on.
  • After the second reading, the following worksheets can be given to the students.
  • It is left to the teacher whether he/she wants to read the story one more time. With very small kids, the teacher might read the relevant parts one more time, before the kids attempt the worksheet.
  • In the case of kids of 6-8 years of age, the worksheet is to be done while they are listening to the teacher. Therefore, the teacher will have to read the story a second time by her/himself, so that the students can write the answers.
  • This is not a test or assessment. Please do it in an enjoyable, exciting manner. No penalising or punishment for a wrong answer.
Listening comprehension worksheets for 5-6 years old kids ยป
Listening comprehension worksheets for 7-9 years old kids ยป

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