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Reading Comprehension Worksheets For 7-8 Years Old Kids
Reading Comprehension Worksheets For 7-8 Years Old Kids
Reading has to start at a young age. Here is a worksheet for your 7-8 year olds, to answer, based on their reading of the Gingerbread Man. To read the story, click here.
Match A and B, according to the story.
A | B |
Spotted | Fox |
Waiting for the farmer | Pony |
Cutting grass | Three mowers |
Repairing the lawn mower | Dog |
Cunning | The old man |
Grazing on the meadow | River |
Does not know how to swim | Piglets |
Quite deep | The Gingerbread Man |
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A | B |
Spotted | Dog |
Waiting for the farmer | Piglets |
Cutting grass | Three mowers |
Repairing the lawn mower | The old man |
Cunning | Fox |
Grazing on the meadow | Pony |
Does not know how to swim | The Gingerbread Man |
Quite deep | River |
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