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Reading Comprehension Worksheets For 7-8 Years Old Kids

Reading Comprehension Worksheets For 7-8 Years Old Kids

Reading has to start at a young age. Here is a worksheet for your 7-8 year olds, to answer, based on their reading of the Gingerbread Man. To read the story, click here.

Match A and B, according to the story.

Spotted Fox
Waiting for the farmer Pony
Cutting grass Three mowers
Repairing the lawn mower Dog
Cunning The old man
Grazing on the meadow River
Does not know how to swim          Piglets
Quite deep The Gingerbread Man

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Spotted Dog
Waiting for the farmer Piglets
Cutting grass Three mowers
Repairing the lawn mower The old man
Cunning Fox
Grazing on the meadow Pony
Does not know how to swim          The Gingerbread Man
Quite deep River

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