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Reciprocal Pronouns

What is a Reciprocal Pronoun?

Reciprocal pronouns are pronouns that are used when two or more people, animals or things are engaged in the same thing and experience the same effects or consequences. If X is talking to Y and Y is talking to X, we can say that X and Y are talking to each other. The reciprocal pronouns in English are each other, and one another.

Generally speaking, each other is used only when there are two people.

Look at the examples below.

The winner and the loser of the game shook hands with each other.

After the fight, the brother and the sister were made to smile at each other, by their mother.

One another is used when there are three or more people, or when itโ€™s unclear how many people are involved.

For example,

If we are tolerant to one another, there will be peace in this world.

At Christmas time, it is a tradition that people give gifts to one another.

Let us see some examples in which reciprocal pronouns are used.

1. Tim and Lina love each other.

2. Franky and Dane hate each other.

3. The ten players were all blaming one another for their loss.

4. Both teams played with a fighting spirit against each other.

5. We gave each other presents.

6. Why don't you trust each other?

7. The boys were fighting one another.

8. The fishing boats were bumping against each other in the storm.

Common Worksheet

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reciprocal pronoun.

1. Dahlia and John gave ............... diamond rings on their wedding day.

2. They kissed ............... at the end of the wedding ceremony.

3. Tim and Jake were talking to ............... in the corridor.

4. The winners congratulated ............... after the results were announced.

5. The playground was full of children spending the afternoon playing with ...............

6. My parents consult ............... whenever there is a major decision to be made.

7. The students checked their answers with ............... ; everybody had a different answer!

8. Adam and Sam were told to help ............... , instead of competing with each other.


1. Dahlia and John gave each other diamond rings on their wedding day.

2. They kissed each other at the end of the wedding ceremony.

3. Tim and Jake were talking to each other in the corridor.

4. The winners congratulated one another after the results were announced.

5. The playground was full of children spending the afternoon playing with one another.

6. My parents consult each other whenever there is a major decision to be made.

7. The students checked their answers with one another; everybody had a different answer!

8. Adam and Sam were told to help each other, instead of competing with each other.

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