Should Beauty Contests Be Banned?
Beauty is highly valued in our society and it has always been so. That being the case, it is little wonder that beauty contests are being held all over the world in individual countries. Furthermore, beautiful women from almost all countries participate in Ms. World and Ms. Universe. Even though women’s beauty contests are the most popular, men also have beauty contests. There are also children’s beauty contests which are controversial due to many reasons. Whether beauty contests should be banned or not is an oft-debated issue.
The detractors of beauty pageants point out that they send the wrong message to the young generation – the message that being pretty is something that is desirable, and even necessary. Due to this mindset, those who are not pretty may develop low self-esteem. Unlike character or personality, beauty is an attribute that can not be improved hugely. If one is born not beautiful, there is a limit to which they can be made attractive. So, there is a certain hopelessness associated with lack of beauty, and this may cause even depression.
Beauty contests may also lead to the objectification of women. Participants in beauty pageants are rated mostly based on their body measurements and facial beauty, even though in recent times personality is also assessed. The premium placed on outer appearance diminishes more important attributes of a person such as character, intelligence and value system.
Thirdly, the importance given to beauty pageants may turn at least some girls away from pursuing a more meaningful career in society. They may focus more on outward appearance, not on skill or career development. This is a loss of valuable resources for society.
Another argument against beauty contests is that they promote cosmetic surgeries. Many people, especially women fall for the allure of a sharper nose, fuller lips, or wrinkle-free skin. Many subject their bodies to botox injections, and body implants. While some of the results of these surgeries are satisfactory, many go wrong, and the result is a waste of money and decreased self-esteem. Sometimes these surgeries go wrong, and affect one’s health badly. Male beauty contestants in particular often inject themselves with growth hormones to build muscles, and suffer the negative consequences. Cosmetic surgeries also lead to huge expenses, and often one feels cheated of hard-earned money undergoing such costly surgeries.
Furthermore, beauty contests encourage the craze for make-up products and branded outfits. Coupled with today’s consumerist culture, this leads to people spending a lot of money on such products which are not at all necessary for life. Some people being able to use such products and outfits creates a culture of exclusiveness and elitism in society.
Of particular mention are children’s beauty pageants which are extremely unhealthy to the participating children as well as society as a whole. The child participants are often subjected to unhealthy treatments to look good. Sometimes they are even made to wear sexy attire. This trend is extremely dangerous because it robs the participating children of their innocence. They do not enjoy their carefree, innocent childhood, and may end up as traumatized adults. It is also very unhealthy for grown men and women to judge children on different dimensions of beauty. It is a sick culture.
Having a Ms. World or a Ms. Universe as one’s role model gives rise to unrealistic aspirations. The only winners in this game are the manufacturers of beauty products. They lure young people to buy their products by advertising their products using beauty queens. Most of the time, these products can enhance one’s appearance to a very small extent. Thus, it becomes a large-scale scam.
The supporters of beauty pageants however refute many of these points by saying that there is nothing wrong with conducting a competition for beauty, since beauty is as important an attribute as skills in math or spelling. Furthermore, it is argued that beauty contests test not only beauty but also personality, through questions asked during the pageant. They also point out that whether we admit it or not, a person’s outward appearance often has a big role in their life; even affecting opportunities for employment. That being the case, the importance placed on beauty as a result of beauty pageants is not misplaced.
Nonetheless, beauty contests seem to do more bad than good. At least there cannot be two opinions on banning children’s beauty pageants. Adults’ beauty pageants also are not healthy for society as they encourage a wrong value system. Hence, beauty contests should be banned.
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