Online Quiz » General Knowledge Questions for Kids
General Knowledge Quiz
Simple general knowledge quizzes with questions, answers & facts for kids, teenagers, students and small children. Answer to these general knowledge quiz for kids are given below!
Which is the heavier metal of these two? Gold or Silver?
Answer: Gold
Which is the most common non-contagious disease in the world?
Answer: Tooth Decay – A very common disease
Which is the coldest location in the earth?
Answer: East Antarctica
Which is the hottest place in the earth?
Answer: Ethiopia
Which is the animal referred as the ship of the desert?
Answer: Camel
Which is the nearest star to planet earth?
Answer: Sun
Which is the least populated country in the world?
Answer: Vatican City
Which is the oldest democracy / parliamentary in the world?
Answer: Britain
Which is the fastest animal on the land?
Answer: Cheetah
What differentiates a male lion from a female lion?
Answer: Mane
Which is the most sensitive organ in our body?
Answer: Skin
Which is the principal source of energy for earth?
Answer: Sun
What are the two holes in the nose called?
Answer: Nostrils
What is the standard taste of the water?
Answer: Water has no taste
Which is the longest river on the earth?
Answer: Nile
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