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Animal Quiz Questions With Answers And Short Animal Riddles

For kids, animals are the most exciting creatures that induce them to learn and get engaged in study for specific subjects. Right from the nursery age, kids learn about different animals. You must have watched kids’ drama, where they play the role of animals, which actually excites them a lot. The excitement increases when animal quiz questions are included in their studies. They enjoy solving the riddles. Animal quiz questions for kids help them to learn about different animals, their nature and new things which are worth having knowledge of.

Animal quiz questions with answers can be helpful for kids to train their minds and put logic to get the right answer.

There are many websites that offer online animal quiz questions for kids which can be quite confusing and the questions could be long, but at Kids World Fun, we ensure to keep the questions short and interesting. Kids are curious to know more about animals and gain good knowledge which can be helpful as they grow.

Listed below are animal quiz questions for kids and have fun in solving it:

Animal Quiz for Kids

Question 1 of 4

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