Online Quiz » English Quiz - Simple English Adjective Quizzes For Kids

Adjective Quiz
Now test your English skills with this quiz on adjectives. Read each sentence and identify the word, which you think is the adjective. Give yourself two seconds and then check the answer. This will give you a basic idea on how good you are with your adjectives.

  • Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “It is a large box?”
    A: Large

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “The skirt is pretty?”
    A: Pretty

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “The dress is expensive?”
    A: Expensive

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “He likes black horses?”
    A: Black

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “The flowers are fresh?”
    A: Fresh

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “He has long hair?”
    A: Long

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “The bus moved fast?”
    A: Fast

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “Winters are cold?”
    A: Cold

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “It was a long day?”
    A: Long

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “It was a short journey?”
    A: Short

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “I want a new car?”
    A: New

    Q: Find the adjective in the sentence “She walked slowly”
    A: Slowly

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