Online Quiz » English Quiz - Simple English Noun Quizzes For Kids

Welcome to our basic but simple English quiz. The topics include various simple queries on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and antonyms (opposite meanings). The questions are Interesting for both kids as well as adults. Take this quiz and find out how much you know your basic English. Enjoy our free English quiz for kids, which help students improve their language skills in a fun way. Enjoy and brush your English skills and get started today!

Noun Quiz
Test your English skills with this quiz on nouns. Identify the word, which you think is the noun. Read each sentence, but please do not look at the answer. Give yourself two seconds and then check the answer. This will give you a basic idea on how good you are with your nouns.

  • Q: Find the noun in the sentence “The lady was tall?”
    A: Lady

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “Summer is very hot?”
    A: Summer

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “Close the door.”
    A: Door

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “The cinema started late?”
    A: Cinema

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “The bus travelled slow?”
    A: Bus

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “Throw the stone?”
    A: Stone

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “Open the box?”
    A: Box

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “The nurse was late?”
    A: Nurse

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “Look at the stars?”
    A: Stars

    Q: Find the noun in the sentence “The boy was sad?”
    A: Boy

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