Online Quiz » GK Questions and Answers
Challenging one’s knowledge has always been an interesting game to play. Is it such a wonder then, that Quiz has become so popular among all age groups? To have an edge over peers, it is necessary to keep oneself abreast with knowledge pertaining to people, places, things and events around us – of the past and the present and if possible, of the future (Of course, I was kidding).
We are sure you would want your little one to have that edge over the others. There are simply so many things, very interesting things, to know and learn about on this earth. Teaming this with the curious, fertile mind of your child – you have a very potent combination!
We have added this section to our website to achieve just that! It is an adventurous trip to the world of wonders, eminent personalities, monuments, geographical magic, historical imprints, science, sports and what not? We intend to poke and prod the curious side of your little one so as to develop that interest in him/ her to seek and seek further knowledge. We at KidsWorldFun are sure your child will never get bored with so many interesting things to know. It can be a preparation for your kid to crack that school quiz competition or the state or national level competitions, or maybe that first step to an international platform.
We plan to update this section with fresh sets of questions periodically so that we can continue holding the interest of the child. We are sure, as parents you would always want to nurture the curiosity and help the child grow and flourish as a tree of knowledge. To add to this, as you know, sharing knowledge only doubles it. So go ahead and let your child share the knowledge with kin and friends. Your child will be a hero among peers.
General Knowledge Questions and Answers
GK Quiz
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