Short Stories » The Dead Grape-vine

The Dead Grape-vine

YOU say, "Dig up this old vine and burn it; it is worthless." Did you but know the story of this gray stump and brittle branches, you would recall the last words, for what has once been of use and beauty can never be worthless. We do not speak so of dead great men, and a vine is an object of worth in its own sphere. Let me tell you the story of this old grape-vine, and learn whether it does not deserve your gentle respect.

To begin with, it has been quite a traveler, and came of a high family, in a lovely country you have never seen. Far away on the fairy-like coast of a tropical land, there flourished a vineyard more than a hundred years old, a vineyard that had outlived three kings, and had quietly pursued its appointed destiny, while countries waged war against each other, deluged fields with blood of horses and men, destroyed the grand works of years, and brought sorrow into hearts and homes by the thousand.

But from this vineyard, which escaped destruction, the choicest clusters were plucked for the tables of royalty. Often the peasants filling the baskets have tasted the lesser clusters (such fruit as you and I never tasted under this cold sky); and, oh, how sweet the air was there, how beautiful the scene from the terraces where these vines grew, and what melody rang through the long green rows by day, and the changeful voice of the nightingale when all others were silent ! Ah, the native associations of this dead grape-vine were beautiful indeed !

Then someone from our own free America brought away cuttings from those noble vines,* and whether all survived in this cold climate I cannot say, but this one, faithful to its ancient name, bore clusters of such fruit as few mortals taste.

He trained it around the porch of the home to which he brought his bride. Here they often sat in the moon- light, and, later, how often they lifted up the baby to catch at the tempting fruit !

How many a cluster has this vine yielded, carrying delight and refreshment to the fevered lips of the sick ! How rich have been the dried and pressed bunches in the long winter evenings ! and tiny glasses have spark- led with the rich coloring of their autumn yield.

Shade, food, and drink through many a year, a noble ancestry, beauty and usefulness all its life, these are what it has given you.

A dead grape-vine ! Who will write its epitaph, this vanished delight?

The Dead Grape Vine - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Taking care of plants can bring them back to life and help them grow big and strong.

The Dead Grape Vine - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Caring for others, just like the vineyard owner nurtured his grapevine, can bring unexpected rewards and joy.

The Dead Grape Vine - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Even when things seem beyond repair, patience and care can bring life and vitality back to what appeared lost.

3 Fun Facts

  • In the story, a wise old man teaches the children about the importance of caring for nature by showing them how a dead grape vine can come back to life with proper care.
  • The children learn there's more to plants than just fruits; by caring for the grape vine, they see new leaves and flowers, which was unexpected and exciting for them.
  • Taking care of the grape vine brings the community together, teaching everyone the value of teamwork and patience as they wait for the vine to flourish again.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What does the little grapevine wish to grow next to?
  • Who comes to help the grapevine grow tall and strong?
  • What did the grapevine finally see when it grew taller?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What did the gardener initially think when he saw the dry and withered grapevine in the garden?
  • How did the gardener's approach towards the grapevine change after he dug around it and cut off the dead branches?
  • What lesson did the story convey about taking care of things that might seem lifeless or useless at first?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What were the two farmers arguing about that led them to seek the advice of the wise king?
  • How did the king determine which farmer was telling the truth about the ownership of the grape vine?
  • What important lesson did the farmers learn from their visit to the wise king?

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