Short Stories » The Wooden Horse

The Wooden Horse

โ€œCOME and have a ride," the big brother said. โ€œI am afraid," the little one answered; " the horse's mouth is wide open."

"But it's only wooden. That is the best of a horse that isn't real. If his mouth is ever so wide open, he cannot shut it. So come," and the big brother lifted the little one up, and dragged him about.

"Oh, do stop!โ€ the little one cried out in terror; "does the horse make that noise along the floor?"


"And is it a real noise?"

โ€œOf course it is," the big brother answered.

โ€œBut I thought only real things could make real things," the little one said;โ€ where does the imitation horse end and the real sound begin?

"At this the big brother stood still for a few minutes.

"I was thinking about real and imitation things," he said presently. "It's very difficult to tell which is which sometimes. You see they get so close together that the one often grows into the other, and some imitated things become real and some real ones become imitation as they go on. But I should say that you are a real coward for not having a ride."

"No, I am not," the little one laughed; and, getting astride the wooden horse, he sat up bravely. "Oh, Jack, dear," he said to his brother,โ€ we will always be glad that we are real boys, or we too might have been made with mouths we were never able to shut!"

Wooden Horse - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Always listen carefully and follow directions, just like the wooden horse didn't, to make sure things go right.

Wooden Horse - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

In the story "Wooden Horse," we learn that through clever thinking and teamwork, even a simple wooden toy can outsmart a powerful enemy.

Wooden Horse - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

Always listen to valuable advice, as it can help you avoid trouble and make wise decisions.

3 Fun Facts

  • The wooden horse was built by the Greeks as a clever trick to enter the city of Troy, which they had been unable to conquer for ten years.
  • The Trojans believed the horse was a gift and brought it into their city, not knowing it was filled with Greek soldiers hidden inside.
  • The Greeks secretly emerged from the horse at night to open the city gates for their army, ultimately leading to the fall of Troy.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • What was the toy that Tom had to fix in the story?
  • Who helped Tom find the missing leg of the wooden horse?
  • What did Tom feel once the wooden horse was fixed?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What did the little boy find in the garden that made him very happy?
  • How did the boy's attitude change after his father showed him the wooden horse?
  • What did the wooden horse represent to the boy as he played with it?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • What prompted the people of the kingdom to head towards the forest, and what did they find there?
  • How did the skilled carpenter's project end up being a Trojan horse by mistake?
  • How did the wooden horse become a source of unity and joy for the kingdom, despite its initial misunderstanding?

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