Short Stories » The Wolf and the Lamb

The Wolf and the Lamb

Once, a little lamb was grazing on a meadow, along with a flock of sheep. Being very mischievous, the little lamb wandered some distance away from the sheep. It began to enjoy the fresh and delicious grass that it found there. It had come a long way from its group, but was unaware of that.

The lamb was also unaware of another fact: a wolf was closely following it!

When the lamb realized that it had lost its way and was far away from the flock, it decided to return and join them. However, the lamb was stunned to see a hungry and cunning wolf standing behind it.

The lamb realized that there was no option except to surrender itself to the wolf.

The lamb asked the wolf, “Are you going to eat me?”

The wolf said, “Yes, at any cost!”

The lamb said again, “But can you please wait for some more time? I have eaten a lot of grass now and my stomach is filled with grass. If you eat me now, you will feel as though you are eating grass! So please wait until the grass is digested.”

The wolf agreed, “Oh yes, I will wait. You are here before me and I can wait for some more time!”

The lamb thanked the wolf.

After some time, the wolf got ready to kill lamb, but the lamb stopped him again.

“Dear wolf, please wait for some more time. The grass is yet to be digested. If you eat me now, you will see a lot of grass in my stomach! Let me dance and then it will be digested easily.”

The wolf agreed.

The little lamb danced crazily for a while, and then suddenly stopped.

The wolf enquired what had happened.

The lamb said, “I cannot dance properly because there is no music. You see this bell around my neck? Can you untie this bell and ring it loudly? Then I can dance fast and the grass in my stomach also will get digested fast.”

The wolf, overcome with the desire to eat the lamb, was ready to do anything. He removed the bell tied to the lamb’s neck and rang it with all his might.

Meanwhile, the shepherd was searching for the little lamb and heard the bell ringing. He saw the wolf and the lamb. He ran towards the wolf with a stick. Seeing the shepherd with a stick, the wolf ran away, and the lamb was saved!

Physical strength is not sufficient. Sometimes, weaker people with smart minds can overcome the physically strong ones!

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The Wolf And The Lamb - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3

Always be cautious and wise when dealing with others, as some may not have your best interests at heart, just like the wolf who unfairly blamed and attacked the innocent lamb.

The Wolf And The Lamb - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6

Even if someone tries to blame you unfairly, always stand your ground and remember that kindness is stronger than anger.

The Wolf And The Lamb - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9

It's important to stand up against unfairness and understand that sometimes people may make excuses to justify their wrong actions.

3 Fun Facts

  • The wolf tried to blame the little lamb for muddying the water, even though the lamb was drinking downstream.
  • Despite the lamb's innocence, the wolf accused it of offenses committed by other sheep to find an excuse to eat it.
  • The story teaches the lesson that it's easy for someone with power to find fault and justify their actions, even when the weaker party is blameless.

Quiz for Class 1,2,3

  • Who were the main characters in the story?
  • Why did the wolf approach the lamb by the river?
  • What lesson can we learn from the story about how the wolf treated the lamb?

Quiz for Class 4,5,6

  • What reason did the wolf initially give for wanting to harm the lamb?
  • How did the lamb respond when the wolf accused him of troubling the water?
  • What lesson can we learn from the story about how the wolf treated the lamb?

Quiz for Class 7,8,9

  • Why did the wolf accuse the lamb of muddying the water, even though the stream was clear and the lamb was drinking downstream?
  • How did the lamb attempt to defend itself against the wolf's accusation of disrespect from the previous year?
  • What was the outcome of the encounter between the wolf and the lamb, despite the lamb's efforts to explain its innocence?

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