Short Stories » Very Short Stories for Children

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Very Short Stories for Children

Here is the collection of simple short stories for children. They are no more than a few lines and read it to get enlightened. Also, watch for stories for kids on various genres. Some are funny, some are thoughtful, and some carry a good message.

Rise and Fall

It was a beautiful restaurant. The decorations were attractive. I just got absorbed by the colorful and eye catching décor of the restaurant. Just I stayed in the beauty and lavishness of the decorations, I missed the wet floor. I slipped on the wet floor beautified with soft tiles. However, I was very fortunate to escape. A fifteen year old boy caught me just before I slip and he was in a wheel chair. Just before I thank him, he smiled and said, ‘ This is what exactly happened to me a couple of years ago. Believe it or not, my back was severely injured as no one caught me and I could not walk!

Lazy and Clever

More than 200 employees work in a software company. Most of them were very talented. However, the boss always preferred Mr. Sinha to assign all the difficult and most important tasks. In fact, Mr. Sinha was so lazy and the laziest person in that office. Soon after Mr. Sinha completed the task, the boss insists others to follow him. This created a sort of disappointment and anger among the colleagues. One day, in a meeting, he was questioned about his strange act. The boss replied, ‘You know lazy ones are very clever. They find the solutions quickly to all problems; find shortcut way to complete a task effectively, so they can spend their time in leisure!’

Isn’t that really funny? Of course, it has truth!

Definition of Success

How do you define success? Rishi was questioning this to everyone. He wants to understand what success really is. Is that something getting good grades in academics? Excel in sports? Earning name and fame in the society? Lots of wealth? He wasn’t able to figure out what is success. One day, his grandmother answered his question. She told him, ‘ Success is nothing but that makes you happy and satisfied. When you look back at life, when you smile at your past, when you recall some happiest moments, the memories that make you smile are success!’

Try or You’ll Never Know

Kira was blind by birth. His parents, although were shattered, decided to raise her with courage. When she was seven years old, she asked his mommy, Momma can I cook with you?. Her mother replied, ‘ You will never know until you try it. ’ Kira helped her mom. She was twelve years old. She asked her father, ‘Daddy, can I play outdoors?’ Her father told her, “ You will not know until you go and play in the outdoors. ’ She played successfully. Kira was eighteen years and science was her favorite subject. She asked her parents, ‘ Momma and Daddy, can I become a doctor? ’ They answered, ‘ You will never know until you try. Try it.! ’ Kira is now a physician. The happy Kira said, ‘Today I’m a successful physician, a girl with passion and expertise in sports, and an expert cook! It all happened just because I tried. If you don’t try, you will not know’


Mr. Peter was a great scholar and a great teacher. His teaching method was simply loved by thousands of students. He was a successful man. On celebration of his 80th birthday, he was asked a simple question, ‘ what do call uniqueness ?’ He said, ‘Doing something no one does, thinking something many fails to think, reading something that is ignored and of course, staying humorous!’It doesn’t mean you should go and murder someone or think madly!’

An End Opens a Beginning

Simon felt so ill when he woke up in the morning. He decided to take leave from work. However, he needed some money and decided to go to work. Unfortunately, he was laid off at his work place because of not having enough work. He became disappointed and rode his scooter back home, it was punctured. He took his vehicle to the mechanic shop, but the shop was closed for an hour. It was the only mechanic shop in that area. So he decided to wait for a while. As he was waiting, a car stopped nearby. He enquired about the shop and Simon told the shop will be opened shortly. They had a chat for a while. Surprisingly, at the end of their chat, the man came to know about Simon’s job termination and offered him a good job.

When you find an end, there will be a new beginning.

Every short story above carries a message and thoughtful right? Keep that message in your mind for a successful future.

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