Short Stories » Peace
HE looked over his shoulder quickly. She saw him, and turned still more quickly away. "I shall go and take a long walk in the woods," he said.
"You don't know where the rabbit-holes are," she answered.
"Yes, I do ; I found them out the other day."
“I shall go out with Mary."
"All right."
“And I shall never go into the woods with you any more."
"Very well. I don't care," he said. Then she broke down and sobbed.
“You are a very unkind boy."
“It’s all your fault."
"No, it's all yours. You began."
"No, you began."
“You don't like me now," she sobbed.
"Yes, I do."
“You said I was a nasty, disagreeable thing."
"Well, I didn't mean it if I did. You said I was an ugly, unkind boy."
"Oh, but I didn't mean it," she said.
“You know I'm very fond of you."
“So am I of you."
"All right, then, let's make it up." So he turned round quickly and she turned round slowly, and he put his arms round her waist, and she put her hands up on to his shoulders, and they kissed each other, and hugged each other, and rubbed noses, and laughed.
“Shall we go to the woods? “she asked, doubtfully.
"Yes, come along."
“You said you'd go without me," she pouted.
"Oh, but I shouldn't have liked it a bit."
“And I should have been so unhappy," she said.
"And now we just will have a game," he answered, as hand-in-hand they went off as fast as they could scamper.
Peace - Takeaway for Class 1,2,3
It’s important to apologize and make up after an argument with friends.
Peace - Takeaway for Class 4,5,6
Healthy friendships require understanding, forgiveness, and a willingness to make up after disagreements.
Peace - Takeaway for Class 7,8,9
Resolving conflicts with empathy and communication strengthens relationships and helps build trust.
3 Fun Facts
- The characters quickly change from arguing to being friends again, showing how quickly emotions can change and how conflicts can be resolved if both people are willing.
- The story emphasizes the innocence and playfulness of childhood, where even after a fight, friends can quickly forgive each other and enjoy each other's company again.
- The story includes physical gestures of reconciliation like hugging, kissing, and rubbing noses, which adds a fun and heartwarming element to how the characters make up.
Quiz for Class 1,2,3
- What did the boy decide to do after their argument?
- How did the girl feel after the argument?
- What did the boy say when they made up?
Quiz for Class 4,5,6
- How did the boy and girl show that they cared for each other after the argument?
- What did the girl say when they started making up?
- Why did the boy say he didn't want to go to the woods without her?
Quiz for Class 7,8,9
- What does the story teach us about resolving conflicts in relationships?
- How did the characters express their regret and forgiveness?
- Why is it important to admit mistakes in order to repair a relationship?
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