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Alphabet Riddles for Kids

Alphabet Riddles

I am a letter that buzzes around. Who am I? Which is the most watery letter? Which letter of the alphabet is very long? Read interesting alphabet riddles and share with your friends.

Q: I am a letter that buzzes around. Who am I?

A: The letter 'B'. (bee)

Q: Which is the most watery letter of the alphabet?

A: The letter 'C' (sea)

Q: Which letter of the alphabet is very long?

A: The letter Q (queue)

Q: I am a letter of the alphabet, and I can be hot. Who am I?

A: The letter 'T'. (tea)

Q: Which letter of the alphabet is standing right in front of you?

A: The letter 'U' (you)

Q: Which letter of the alphabet is the silent member of the parliament?

A: The letter 'i'. 'i' is not pronounced when we say 'parliament'.

Q: Which letter of the alphabet is dead in ‘dead’?

A: The letter 'a'. We do not pronounce 'a' when we say 'dead'.

Q: Which letter of the alphabet is a part of your head?

A: The letter 'I'. (eye)

Q: I am an odd number. If you take away one letter from me, I become even. Who am I?

A: Seven

Q: I am silent when you ask your doubts. Who am I?

A: The letter 'b'. We do not pronounce 'b' when we say doubts.

Q: I am a letter. I can turn your story into a building. Who am I?

A: The letter 'e'. We get storey when we add 'e' to story.

Q: I am letter at the end of a country’s name. If you take me away, the word becomes a body part. Who am I?

A: The letter 'a' in China. (If you take away 'a' it becomes chin.)

Q: Which letter is like a ring around your finger?

A: The letter O.

Q: Which letter of the alphabet wants to know the reasons all the time?

A: The letter Y. (why)

Alphabet Riddles Amusing Riddles Brain Teasers Easy Riddles Engaging Riddles English Language Riddles Entertaining Riddles Funny Riddles Guessing Riddles Who Am I? Logical Riddles Logical riddles for Kids Math Riddles Short Riddles Silly Brain Teasers Tricky Riddles

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