Alphabet Riddles for Kids
Alphabet Riddles
I am a letter that buzzes around. Who am I? Which is the most watery letter? Which letter of the alphabet is very long? Read interesting alphabet riddles and share with your friends.
Q: I am a letter that buzzes around. Who am I?
A: The letter 'B'. (bee)
Q: Which is the most watery letter of the alphabet?
A: The letter 'C' (sea)
Q: Which letter of the alphabet is very long?
A: The letter Q (queue)
Q: I am a letter of the alphabet, and I can be hot. Who am I?
A: The letter 'T'. (tea)
Q: Which letter of the alphabet is standing right in front of you?
A: The letter 'U' (you)
Q: Which letter of the alphabet is the silent member of the parliament?
A: The letter 'i'. 'i' is not pronounced when we say 'parliament'.
Q: Which letter of the alphabet is dead in ‘dead’?
A: The letter 'a'. We do not pronounce 'a' when we say 'dead'.
Q: Which letter of the alphabet is a part of your head?
A: The letter 'I'. (eye)
Q: I am an odd number. If you take away one letter from me, I become even. Who am I?
A: Seven
Q: I am silent when you ask your doubts. Who am I?
A: The letter 'b'. We do not pronounce 'b' when we say doubts.
Q: I am a letter. I can turn your story into a building. Who am I?
A: The letter 'e'. We get storey when we add 'e' to story.
Q: I am letter at the end of a country’s name. If you take me away, the word becomes a body part. Who am I?
A: The letter 'a' in China. (If you take away 'a' it becomes chin.)
Q: Which letter is like a ring around your finger?
A: The letter O.
Q: Which letter of the alphabet wants to know the reasons all the time?
A: The letter Y. (why)
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