Riddles ยป

Interesting Math Riddles for Kids

Riddles are always interesting. It is a great workout for your brain. We are giving you a few long riddles. Donโ€™t squeeze your brain! Just think a bit more and open your mind. These riddles are based on mathematics calculations! Do work on some simple math calculations. You will find the answers with ease.

Thinking Fruit

You need some math knowledge, of course, just basic additions and subtractions.

Q: Think about any number from 1 to 9!

Now, multiply the number with 9!

Add the numbers if the answer is a two-digit number. If you choose 1, it will remain the same.

Now, subtract number 5 from the digits added together.

You will receive a single-digit number.

Find the alphabet corresponding to the number. For instance, 1 โ€“ a, 2 โ€“ b, etc.

Find a European country that starts with the alphabet corresponding to the number you got.

Write down the name of the country.

Find a fruit that starts with the last letter of the European country!

Got it? Tell the answer: What is the name of the country and name of the fruit? Think well before you scroll down for the answer.

A: There are no Kiwis in Denmark.

A Farmer Riddle

Q: A Farmer Riddle: A simple math riddle! If you are good at math, you can easily solve this! Refresh your memories and math practices.

A farmer lived in a small village. He had three sons. One day he gave $100 dollars to his sons and told them to go to market.

The three sons should buy 100 animals for $100 dollars. In the market, there were chickens, hens, and goats.

The cost of a goat is $10, the cost of a hen is $5, and the cost of a chicken is $0.50.

There should be at least one animal from each group. The farmerโ€™s sons should spend all the money on buying animals. There should be 100 animals, not a single animal more or less!

What do the sons buy?

A: They purchased 100 animals for 100 dollars.

$10 spent to purchase 1 goat.

$45 spent to purchase 9 hens.

$45 spent to purchase 90 chickens.

Totally they spent $100 and purchased 100 animals.

Alphabet Riddles Amusing Riddles Brain Teasers Easy Riddles Engaging Riddles English Language Riddles Entertaining Riddles Funny Riddles Guessing Riddles Who Am I? Logical Riddles Logical riddles for Kids Math Riddles Short Riddles Silly Brain Teasers Tricky Riddles

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