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Logical riddles for Kids

Easy and interesting funny logical reddles for children. Ready to challenge your brain? Below is a collection of the brain teasers.

Sock Drawer

Q: You have a sock drawer. It has 4 black socks, 8 brown socks, 2 white socks and 8 tan socks. You need to pull out a matching pair of socks in the dark. There is no light and you couldn’t see the socks. How many socks you should pull out in the dark to get one matching pair of socks?

A: FIVE. You have only four different colors of socks. If you pick 5, you can surely get one pair of matching socks.

Q: It was a very large truck. The truck need to cross a 3 mile long bridge. Unfortunately, the bridge can only hold the weight of 12000 lbs. Even a single pound extra, the bridge would collapse. However the weight of the truck is exactly 12000 lbs. The driver carefully drove and crossed almost 70 percent distance of the bridge. He stopped to get a small break. Suddenly, a bird landed on the truck. Did the bridge collapse? Justify your answers with explanation!

A: NO! The bridge doesn’t collapse. The truck almost crossed 70 percent of total distance. Equivalent diesel would have been lost! So the extra weight of the bird doesn’t add any extra load to the bridge.

Q: The following paragraph is unusual and unique! Read it thoroughly and answer, why it is very unique. You would be surely surprised with the answer.

Gatsby was walking back from a visit down in Branton Hill’s manufacturing district on a Saturday night. A busy day’s traffic had its noisy run; and with not many folks in sight, His Honor got along without having to stop to grasp a hand, or talk; for a mayor out of City Hall is a shining mark for any politician. And so, coming to Broadway, a booming bass drum and sounds of singing, told of a small Salvation Army unit carrying on amidst Broadway’s night shopping crowds. Gatsby, walking towards that group, saw a young girl, back toward him, just finishing a long, soulful oration...

The paragraph has been taken from the book Gatsby written by Ernest Vincent Wright in the end of 1930s.

A: E! Yes, this is the answer. E is the most commonly used alphabet in English language. Yet, the author hasn’t used the letter ‘E’ in this paragraph!

Q: It was a grandeur party. In order to filter the uninvited guests, the security guard was assigned a task to check the secret password. The guests invited by the royal family also were shared with the secret password.

John wasn’t an invited guest. He learned that the password is needed to make an entry. He hides himself and started watching the guests and the security.

The first guest comes. Security told him, TWELVE and the guest replied SIX. He wished him and allowed him to enter.

The second guest comes. Security told him SIX and the guest replied THREE! He was too allowed.

John made an entry as third guest. Security told him EIGHT and John replied FOUR. He was thrown out of the party!


A: The answer should be FIVE! The password is not half of the digit, but the number that represents the number of digits told by security.

Alphabet Riddles Amusing Riddles Brain Teasers Easy Riddles Engaging Riddles English Language Riddles Entertaining Riddles Funny Riddles Guessing Riddles Who Am I? Logical Riddles Logical riddles for Kids Math Riddles Short Riddles Silly Brain Teasers Tricky Riddles

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