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Biology Quiz Questions for High School Students

Have you ever wanted to test your knowledge and challenge yourself with biology quiz questions? These fun and engaging questions are designed to assess high school students' understanding of biological facts and principles. Get ready to dive into the world of biology and see how much you really know! From questions about the structure of cells to the process of photosynthesis, these quizzes will keep you on your toes and expand your biology knowledge in a playful and interactive way.

Biology Quiz Questions

“Does anyone know what biology quiz questions we can expect today?” the class monitor Sandy asked the class. Mr. Herman, the biology teacher had announced something. A quiz! The teacher had promised attractive prizes for the top three winners!

It was time for the quiz. Mr. Herman entered the class with a pen drive and his laptop. “What is in the pen drive, Mr. Herman?” Sandy asked. Surprised, Mr. Herman said that it was a PowerPoint presentation consisting of the biology quiz questions. Then he started the quiz.

  • The thread-like structures inside the nucleus of the cell are ………………
    a) Cytoplasm
    b) Vacuoles
    c) Chromosomes
    d) Proteins
  • Chloroplasts contain the green substance ……………..
    a) Chlorophyll
    b) Mitochondria
    c) Organelles
    d) Cellulose
  • Circular, oval or slipper-shaped organelles in plant and animal cells are known as……………..
    a) Nucleus
    b) Ribosomes
    c) Vacuoles
    d) Mitochondria
  • The function of the ribosome is ………….
    a) Aerobic respiration
    b) Protein synthesis
    c) Photosynthesis
    d) Controlling cell division
  • The circular DNA is located ………………..
    a) Surrounded by the cell membrane
    b) Around the cytoplasm
    c) Inside the cytoplasm
    d) Around the outside of the bacterial cell
  • Organelles in cells are measured in …………….
    a) Metres
    b) Milli metres
    c) Micro metres
    d) Centi metres
  • The woodlice is an example of a/an …………
    a) crustacea
    b) insects
    c) Amphibian
    d) Reptile
  • The body of an arachnid consists of ……………….. and the abdomen.
    a) Cephalothorax
    b) Abdomen
    c) Segments
    d) Exoskeleton
  • The five classes of vertebrates are fish, amphibia, reptiles, …………….. and mammals.
    a) Birds
    b) Arthropods
    c) Mollusks
    d) Annelids
  • Viruses reproduce …………………
    a) Outside the cells of a living organism
    b) Inside the cells of a living organism
    c) By means of spores
    d) By means of eggs
  • ………………… maintains the pressure of water in plant cells to support the plant.
    a) Diffusion
    b) Conduction
    c) Osmosis
    d) Kinetic energy
  • ……………….. is only sometimes present in biological molecules.
    a) Nitrogen
    b) Oxygen
    c) Hydrogen
    d) Carbon
  • Plant cell walls are made of …………………………
    a) Sucrose
    b) Glucose
    c) Fructose
    d) Cellulose
  • In a leaf, the ………………… is the main region for photosynthesis.
    a) Vascular bundle
    b) Stomata
    c) Palisade mesophyll
    d) Spongy mesophyll
  • Groundnuts are a good source of …………….
    a) Carbohydrate
    b) Lipids
    c) Protein
    d) Minerals
  • Absence of vitamin D in the diet may cause …………………
    a) Bleeding gums
    b) Swollen skin
    c) Scurvy
    d) Fractures
  • ………………….. is an example of a digestive gland.
    a) Pancreas
    b) Kidney
    c) Liver
    d) Alimentary canal
  • Below the enamel of a tooth is a layer of ………………
    a) Dentine
    b) Pulp
    c) Cement
    d) Root
  • The …………….. is the second part of the small intestine.
    a) Gall bladder
    b) Rectum
    c) duodenum
    d) ileum
  • Fetal blood is oxygenated by the …………..
    a) Lungs
    b) Heart
    c) Placenta
    d) Mucosal lining
  • Cholesterol is needed to make ……………
    a) Cell membranes
    b) Cells
    c) Organs
    d) Tissues
  • ………………… are vessels that carry blood from the heart to the limbs and organs of the body.
    a) Capillaries
    b) Veins
    c) Arteries
    d) Lumen
  • The veins in our body ……………………..
    a) Carry blood at high pressure
    b) Carries blood at low pressure
    c) Allows diffusion of materials between the capillary and surrounding tissues
    d) Helps to maintain blood pressure.
  • ………………….. are tiny, disc-like cells that do not have nuclei.
    a) White blood cells
    b) Platelets
    c) Plasma
    d) Red blood cells
  • …………………….. has the function of transporting urine from the bladder out of the body.
    a) Kidneys
    b) Ureters
    c) Bladder
    d) Urethra
  • After ovulation, the ovary produces …………
    a) Testosterone
    b) Estrogen
    c) Progesterone
    d) adrenaline

Answer Scheme

  • c) chromosomes
  • a) chlorophyll
  • d) mitochondria
  • b) protein synthesis
  • c) inside the cytoplasm
  • c) micro metres
  • b) crustacea
  • a) cephalothorax
  • a) birds
  • b) inside the cells of a living organism
  • c) osmosis
  • a) nitrogen
  • d) cellulose
  • c) palisade mesophyll
  • c) protein
  • d) fractures
  • a) pancreas
  • a) dentine
  • d) ileum
  • c) placenta
  • a) cell membranes
  • c) arteries
  • b) carries blood at low pressure
  • d) red blood cells
  • d) urethra
  • c) progesterone
More Science Quiz for High School Students

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