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Science Quiz for High School Students

Science Quiz

For each question, select the correct answer from the options given.

  • 1. Which of the following is unique to birds?
    a) Birds are warm-blooded.
    b) Birds have light skeletons suited for flying.
    c) Birds lay hard-shelled eggs.
    d) Birds have feathers.
  • Which of the following groups consists of invertebrates that have soft bodies protected by some hard covering?
    a) tortoise, clam, shark
    b) cockroach, clam, mosquito
    c) seahorse, clown fish, flatworm
    d) spider, prawn, snake
  • Why is a human being considered a mammal?
    a) A human being is able to walk on two feet.
    b) A human being feeds on plants and animals.
    c) A human being does not photosynthesize.
    d) A human being is warm-blooded.
  • How is a whale different from a shark?
    a) A whale has a backbone unlike a shark.
    b) A whale breathes through its gills unlike a shark.
    c) A whale is warm-blooded unlike a shark.
    d) A whale is intelligent unlike a shark.
  • Which of the following animals can be classified as an arthropod?
    a) spider
    b) earthworm
    c) snail
    d) platypus
  • Which of the following does not have true roots?
    a) conifers
    b) ferns
    c) flowering plants
    d) mosses
  • Which of the following statements about birds is incorrect?
    a) Only birds have feathers.
    b) All birds have wings.
    c) All birds can fly.
    d) All birds are warm-blooded.
  • Which of the following statements describes the particles in a liquid?
    a) Liquid particles vibrate about fixed positions.
    b) Liquid particles are in continuous random motion.
    c) Liquid particles are closer than those particles in a solid.
    d) Liquid particles are stationary in an ordered arrangement.
  • Which of the following statements describes the particles in a gas?
    a) Gas particles constantly expand in random directions.
    b) Gas particles move randomly in all directions.
    c) Gas particles rise upwards.
    d) Gas particles vibrate about fixed positions.
  • Which of the following statements about the kinetic theory of matter is not true?
    a) In gases, particles are moving faster than those in liquids.
    b) The more energy that is added, the greater the speed of particles.
    c) Particles are always in motion or vibration.
    d) All matter is made up of clusters of particles.
  • When observed through the beams of sunlight entering a room through a window, the dust particles are seen to move in a random manner. Which of the following accounts for the random movement?
    a) Diffusion of dust particles in the air.
    b) Moving air currents.
    c) Energy absorbed from the sun.
    d) Collision of dust particles by the moving air molecules.
  • Which of the following statements best supports the idea that matter is made up of particles?
    a) Metal expands when heated.
    b) If a bottle of perfume is opened, the smell spreads quickly.
    c) Water always fills the space available to it.
    d) Gases are usually lighter than liquids.
  • Which of these statements about a solid is incorrect?
    a) The particles in a solid vibrate about fixed positions.
    b) There is very little space between the particles in a solid.
    c) The particles in a solid can move around freely.
    d) There are usually strong forces between the particles in a solid.
  • Which of the following properties is true for both solids and liquids?
    a) Both have a fixed shape.
    b) Both have a fixed volume.
    c) Both have the same density.
    d) Both have the same mass.
  • Why do solids not diffuse like liquids or gases?
    a) Their particles are too heavy to move.
    b) They have high melting points.
    c) Their particles are close together.
    d) There are strong attractive forces between the particles.
  • A substance changes from the state in which particles are in contact but still able to move freely to the state in which its particles are widely spaced and able to move freely. What is the process called?
    a) Condensation
    b) Diffusion
    c) Evaporation
    d) Freezing
  • When water is first heated in a beaker, bubbles can be seen forming at the base of the beaker. Which of the following statements best explains this observation?
    a) Liquid molecules are gaining energy from the heat source.
    b) Water in the liquid state is changing to water in the gaseous state.
    c) Water particles are being changed into water vapor particles.
    d) Air dissolved in the water is being forced out of the spaces between the water particles.


1. D | 2. B | 3. D | 4. C | 5. A | 6. D | 7. C | 8. B | 9. B | 10. D | 11. A | 12. A | 13. C | 14. B | 15. D | 16. C | 17. B

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