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Science Quiz for Elementary School Students

The Science Quiz for Elementary School Students is a valuable tool designed to provide necessary practice for young learners in answering multiple-choice questions related to various scientific topics. Tailored specifically for elementary school students, this quiz offers a structured way to gauge their understanding of fundamental scientific concepts while sharpening their critical thinking skills.

By participating in this quiz, students will have the opportunity to engage with different topics in science, stimulating their curiosity and facilitating a deeper understanding of the world around them. With a focus on multiple-choice questions, this quiz aims to familiarize students with this common format, preparing them for future assessments and nurturing a strong foundation in science education.

Multiple Choice Science Quiz

  • A type of ……………. is called pumice.
    a. igneous rock
    b. sedimentary rock
    c. metamorphic rock
    d. both b and c
  • The constituents of ……………… are mica, quarts and feldspar.
    a. lime stone
    b. shale
    c. granite
    d. sandstone
  • ……………….. is an instrument used to see far away into space.
    a. Bioscope
    b. Telescope
    c. Microscope
    d. Stethoscope
  • ………………. can be separated easily by using a magnet.
    a. Sand and water
    b. Iron dust and sand
    c. Sawdust and stones
    d. Stones and sand
  • Which of these benefits does a plant get from animals?
    a. Shelter from direct sunlight
    b. Dispersal of seeds
    c. To get oxygen to be used in respiration
    d. Moisture to prevent wilting
  • Mike took some cloudy water from a puddle in a glass tumbler and put it on a table. After some time, some solid material was at the bottom of the glass and the water was clearer. This process is called …………………
    a. distillation
    b. sedimentation
    c. condensation
    d. filtration
  • Some animals living in water have streamlined body shapes. This helps them to ……………….
    a. Keep their body warm
    b. Reduce loss of water
    c. Reduce friction in water
    d. Decrease body weight
  • Substance P does not have a fixed volume. P occupies the total space of the container that it is in and it can be compressed. What is P likely to be?
    a. Solid
    b. Liquid
    c. Gas
    d. Fluid
  • …………………… is a change that is possible with the application of heat.
    a. Water changing into ice
    b. Water vapour changing into ice
    c. Ice changing into water
    d. Water vapour changing into water
  • …………………… is when an eclipse of the sun occurs.
    a. New moon
    b. Full moon
    c. Crescent
    d. Half moon
  • When we pump air into a swimming float, it inflates. What can we say about air from this?
    a. Air makes objects smaller and heavier
    b. Air occupies space
    c. Air contracts on heating
    d. Air cannot be compressed
  • The changing of the shapes of the moon is called …………..
    a. eclipse
    b. shadow
    c. phase
    d. reduction
  • If there is no rain, crops fail to grow. This condition will lead to
    a. Flood
    b. Drought
    c. Famine
    d. Both b and c
  • ………………… is an incorrect statement
    a. The top soil is good for plant growth
    b. Soil contains many living things
    c. Soil erosion is good for fertile soil
    d. The top soil contains humus
  • Today, which human activity is responsible for endangering the greatest number of land animals?
    a. Accidental starting of forest fires
    b. Hunting for food and sport
    c. Destruction of habitats
    d. Cutting wild flowers in parks
  • …………………… is a deficiency disease.
    a. Measles
    b. Goitre
    c. Typhoid
    d. Cholera
  • ……………………….. is a balanced diet.
    a. vitamins and minerals
    b. Carbohydrate – rich food
    c. Proteins and fibre rich food
    d. A diet that contains all classes of food in correct quantities
  • …………………. is a doctor who treats animals that are sick.
    a. Animal doctor
    b. Pediatrician
    c. Veterinarian
    d. Rheumatologist
  • Margaret does not like to eat anything sour and she hates oranges. She could be in danger of getting a disease called ……………….
    a. rickets
    b. beri beri
    c. scurvy
    d. night blindness
  • ………………. is a trait that is inherited.
    a. Talking different languages
    b. Ability to drive a car
    c. Love for knitting
    d. Colour of eyes
  • A small plant coming out of a seed is ……………………….
    a. grain
    b. gran
    c. root
    d. seedling
  • …………….. is an example of gaseous state of matter.
    a. Smoke
    b. Milk
    c. Ghee
    d. Stone
  • Liquid converts into ……………. when heated.
    a. solid
    b. gas
    c. stone
    d. all of these
  • …………….. is an igneous rock.
    a. Andesite
    b. Quartzite
    c. Slate
    d. None of these
  • People studying earthquakes are called ………………..
    a. astrologers
    b. geologists
    c. seismologists
    d. doctors
  • The ‘runners’ of a strawberry plant are actually the horizontal ………………. of the plant.
    a. roots
    b. leaves
    c. stems
    d. flowers

Answer Scheme

  • a
  • c
  • b
  • b
  • b
  • b
  • c
  • c
  • c
  • a
  • c
  • c
  • d
  • c
  • c
  • b
  • d
  • c
  • c
  • d
  • d
  • a
  • b
  • a
  • c
  • c

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