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Test Your Child's Knowledge with Our Engaging General Science Quiz for Kids

General Science Quiz for Kids

Our engaging quiz for kids is the perfect way to challenge your little ones while they learn. Taking our general science quiz for kids is a great way for your child to test their knowledge and learn new facts at the same time. It's a fun and interactive way to engage with scientific concepts and maybe even discover a new passion for the subject. Plus, it's a fantastic way to spend quality time with your child and bond over learning together.

  • Read the information in the given bracket and identify the animal X.
    [Animal X eats plant parts. It gives birth to young ones and feeds them with its milk.]
    a. Fox
    b. Goat
    c. Cat
    d. Dog
  • Study the given concept map.
    concept map
    X could be ……………..

    a. Mould
    b. Mushroom
    c. Fern
    d. Yeast
  • The seed given below gets dispersed by
    seed gets dispersed
    a. Water
    b. Bird
    c. Insects
    d. Wind
  • Which of these protects the baby plant?
    a. Radicle
    b. Plumule
    c. Cotyledons
    d. Micropyle
  • Which of the following actions involve a consumer and a producer in a food chain?
    a. A frog feeding on a grasshopper
    b. A grasshopper eating grass
    c. A snake feeding on a frog
    d. An eagle feeding on a snake
  • ………………… is not an integral part of the human nervous system.
    a. Brain
    b. Spinal cord
    c. Humerus
    d. Nerves
  • Identify the process that is shown in the given figure.
    identify the process
    a. Freezing
    b. Condensation
    c. Evaporation
    d. Decantation
  • The given figure shows a fish.
    How does the structure labelled P help the fish?
    a. To swim
    b. To breathe
    c. To find direction
    d. To float
  • Which process is shown below?
    a. Respiration
    b. Reproduction
    c. Photosynthesis
    d. Condensation
  • Where do you think the potato plant contains stored food?
    a. Root
    b. Stem
    c. Leaf
    d. Fruit
  • What type of joints do X and Y in the given classification table represent?



                 elbow and knee

                 shoulder and pelvis

    a. X – pivot, Y – hinge
    b. X – hinge, Y ball and socket
    c. X – ball and socket, Y – pivot
    d. X – hinge, Y – gliding
  • ………………. Is the right sequence of the life cycle of a plant.
    a. Seed, seedling, plant, sapling
    b. Sapling, seedling, seed, plant
    c. Seedling, seed. Plant, sapling
    d. Seed, seedling, sapling, plant
  • Have you drawn water from a well? Which of the following did you use?
    a. Lever
    b. Inclined plane
    c. Wedge
    d. Pulley
  • Which of the following animals breathe through body holes?
    a. Grasshopper
    b. Rat
    c. Fish
    d. Lizard
  • An ice pack is applied in the case of a ………….
    a. Stomach pain
    b. Nose bleed
    c. Knee cut
    d. Headache
  • What is a lever?
    a. A bar which can turn about a fixed point
    b. An inclined plane
    c. A wheel with grooves
    d. An axle and wheel
  • Which of these gases is part of a molecule of water?
    a. Oxygen
    b. Hydrogen
    c. Nitrogen
    d. Both A and B
  • There are ………… types of levers.
    a. 1
    b. 2
    c. 3
    d. 4
  • I protect the brain. I am made up of bones which are fused firmly together to form a shell or box like structure. What do you think I am?
    a. Ribcage
    b. Skull
    c. Spine
    d. Sternum
  • A classmate of yours has scurvy. Which of the following will you recommend to him to eat?
    a. Bread
    b. Meat
    c. Oranges
    d. Nuts
  • ……………………. is the controlling centre of your body.
    a. Heart
    b. Brain
    c. Kidneys
    d. Stomach
  • Your friend has nutritional deficiency. Which of the following will you tell him?
    A. You should eat food containing a lot of fibre
    B. You should eat a lot of sweet and meat
    C. You should eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals
    a. Only B
    b. Only A and C
    c. Only B and C
    d. Only A and B
  • Which statement is correct?
    a. The moon has its own light
    b. The moon reflects the light of the sun
    c. The moon reflects the light of the earth
    d. The moon reflects the light of the Venus
  • The figure shows a pair of scissors.
    pair of scissors





















Answer Scheme

1. b | 2. c | 3. d | 4. c | 5. b | 6. c | 7. b | 8. b | 9. c | 10. b | 11. b | 12. d | 13. d | 14. a | 15. b | 16. a | 17. d | 18. c | 19. b | 20. b | 21. b | 22. b | 23. b | 24. d

More General Science Quiz for Kids

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