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Science Quiz for Grade 9 And 10 Students

Engage your students with this exciting opportunity to increase their science knowledge with a fun quiz tailor-made for 9th and 10th graders. This all-rounded quiz has multiple-choice questions that help you evaluate their knowledge and skills in various aspects of science. You will arm yourself with an interactive way of imparting knowledge to the learners if you include this quiz as part of your educational armory, thereby helping the students develop critical thinking and ways of retaining scientific concepts. This is an educative science quiz that is also a good means to check on students' progress and point out mistakes. Challenge your students, and let them test their caliber by trying this worthwhile scientific quiz, which is appealing yet informative.

  • Cells of the same kind that perform the same function are called ……………….
    a) tissue
    b) organs
    c) atoms
    d) systems
  • Oesophagus is part of the …………………..
    a) respiratory system
    b) reproductive system
    c) transport system
    d) digestive system
  • In a plant, ……………. provides support for the plant structure.
    a) root system
    b) leaves
    c) shoot system
    d) chlorophyll
  • ………….. do not have lungs.
    a) vertebrates
    b) invertebrates
    c) mammals
    d) fish
  • ………….. is part of the human respiratory system.
    a) Trachea
    b) Stomach
    c) Small intestine
    d) Large intestine
  • ………………. is the path taken by air as we inhale.
    a) Nose --> lungs --> trachea
    b) Lungs --> trachea --> nose
    c) Nose --> trachea --> lungs
    d) Mouth --> lungs --> trachea
  • The system that ensures the continuity of the species is the …………….
    a) transport system
    b) reproductive system
    c) digestive system
    d) respiratory system
  • …………… is a compound.
    a) Air
    b) Gold
    c) Steel
    d) Water
  • ………………….. is not an example of diffusion of particles.
    a) Smelling smoke from a burning furnace.
    b) Water flowing onto the road from a burst water pipe
    c) Smelling a fragrant scent from an open bottle of perfume.
    d) Chemicals spilling into a reservoir and contaminating the water.
  • Ice and steam are similar in the sense that …………………
    a) they can be compressed
    b) they can take the shape of any container
    c) they consist of the same type of particles
    d) their particles have the same amount of energy
  • ………….. is the reason your shoes wear out.
    a) Gravity
    b) Pressure
    c) Friction
    d) Polishing
  • …………………. is an effect that cannot be observed when you kick a ball.
    a) The ball getting bigger
    b) The ball moving faster
    c) The ball changing its direction
    d) The ball moving faster in a different direction
  • ……………….. is measured in newtons (N).
    a) Force
    b) Mass
    c) Energy
    d) Friction
  • Pressure is …………………
    a) force per unit area
    b) mass per unit area
    c) mass per unit volume
    d) force per unit volume
  • The S.I. unit of energy is ……………
    a) Pascal
    b) Joule
    c) Kelvin
    d) Newton
  • Kerosene is derived from ………….
    a) petrol
    b) lubricating oil
    c) crude oil
    d) diesel
  • ……………….. is used in power stations to produce electricity.
    a) Lubricating oil
    b) Bitumen
    c) Kerosene
    d) Coal
  • The type of energy that is in food is …………
    a) gravitational potential energy
    b) chemical potential energy
    c) elastic potential energy
    d) kinetic energy
  • Sound cannot travel through ………….
    a) water
    b) metal
    c) wood
    d) vacuum
  • The head of a matchstick contains ……………
    a) heat energy
    b) chemical potential energy
    c) gravitational potential energy
    d) light energy
  • When we switch on the television, electrical energy is converted into light energy, sound energy and …………………
    a) potential energy
    b) kinetic energy
    c) heat energy
    d) gravitational energy
  • A dynamo is an energy converter that converts ……………….
    a) electrical energy into kinetic energy
    b) kinetic energy into electrical energy
    c) heat energy into kinetic energy
    d) gravitational energy into electrical energy
  • ………………… was the famous scientist who invented the dynamo.
    a) Issac Newton
    b) Thomas Edison
    c) Michael Faraday
    d) Marie Curie
  • …………………. Is a renewable source of energy.
    a) Crude oil
    b) Coal
    c) Natural gas
    d) Wind
  • A hydrogen fuel cell makes use of hydrogen and ……………… to produce electricity.
    a) nitrogen
    b) helium
    c) argon
    d) oxygen
  • Tidal power stations convert ………………….
    a) kinetic energy of the tide to electrical energy
    b) potential energy of the tide to electrical energy
    c) gravitational energy of the tide to electrical energy
    d) heat energy of the tide to electrical energy

Answer Scheme

  • a) tissue
  • d) digestive system
  • c) shoot system
  • d) fish
  • a) trachea
  • c) Nose --> trachea --> lungs
  • b) reproductive system
  • d) water
  • b) Water flowing onto the road from a burst water pipe
  • c) They consist of the same type of particles
  • c) Friction
  • a) The ball getting bigger
  • a) force
  • a) force per unit area
  • b) Joule
  • c) crude oil
  • d) coal
  • b) chemical potential energy
  • d) vacuum
  • b) Chemical potential energy
  • c) heat energy
  • b) Kinetic energy into electrical energy
  • c) Michael Faraday
  • d) wind
  • d) oxygen
  • b) Potential energy of the tide to electrical energy
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